Two Out of Four Ain't Bad

Posted in the Uproute Blog on Aug 17, 2016

It's not an adventure until you miss a flight!

For surfers, the Mentawais are kind of like the holy grail of travel destinations. Favourable winds and consistent swells. Perfect, mechanical waves breaking over coral reefs that surround sparsely populated tropical islands. Crystal clear water and white sandy beaches. And if you're lucky, electricity.

Uproute traveller Dan O uploaded a story from his trip to the Mentawais that sounded so good we wanted to sit down with him to find out a bit more. Here's Dan, in his own words!

Want to read Dan's full story? It's right here.

Spoiler alert! It's totally awesome. Inspired by tales of tropical storms and skinny dipping in the bay, Uproute booked flights. Seriously, we're going in the first two weeks of October! See you there?

Read Dan's full story on Uproute.